Member of Executive Council

Head of Department

Vision and Mission

Opearation Kwala kaofela

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Report Acts Of Dishonesty

Press Releases
Official Opening of the Construction Contact Centre ...
07 June 2012
New marching orders announced...
10 May 2012
Three more senior officials suspended...
30 Nov 2011
Premier suspends Acting HoD, Sandile Mbanjwa ...
06 Oct 2011
Deadline looms for road contractors...
20 Sept 2011
Blacklist threat lands govt in court...
14 Sept 2011
.An ultimatum issued for roads construction.....
06 Sept 2011
Contractors appointed for Koster-Lichtenburg road...
16 Aug 2011
Orange Brigade withdrawn as strike bites...
16 Aug 2011
Help revive Johannesburg-Mafikeng flight also...
06 Aug 2011
Koster-Lichteburg road works to begin soon...
07 Jun 2011
A new ball game to fight government tender fraud...
01 Jun 2011
Public Works deputy minister touch base...
27 May 2011
Restricting the speed limit to 100km/h on pool vehicles...
25 Arpr 2011
Kaulani Civils sent packing for non-performace...
05 Arpr 2011
Blacklisting mooted for companies taking NW for a ride...
24 Mar 2011
Department delivers on Tlakgameng/Ganyesa road...
15 Mar 2011
More job opportunities to be created in Mafikeng...
08 Mar 2011
R22bn for potholes...
16 Feb 2011
Road works finally begins following our R33m pledge...
15 Feb 2011
R33 million to give Mafikeng a face lift...
18 Jan 2011
Department expedites construction on Koster-Lichtenburg..
30 Sept 2010
GOBODO appointed to probe new Health offices lease...
29 Sept 2010
The eviction of illegal tenants is on the right track…
07 Sept 2010
R97million has been set aside for learner transport…
02 Sept 2010
Government to integrate planning systems…
31 Aug 2010
MEC Mahlakeng meets Deputy Minister of Transport...
30 Aug 2010
Construction and Infrastructure Mini Indaba...
25 Aug 2010
Department gears for 50% women representation....
23 Aug 2010
A Girl Today, Tomorrow a Leader...
19 Aug 2010
Department pledges support for Women in Construction ...
12 Aug 2010
We may have found the right prescription at last...
29 July 2010
IEHW brings the taxi industry into the fold...
28 July 2010
We'll do it, but not until the year 2011 if we're lucky...
11 July 2010
Apologies for late payments caused by shenanigans...
30 Mar 2010
Multi million rand airline subsidy withdrawn...
20 Mar 2010
Total of R70.5m paid to two road construction companies...
10 Mar 2010
A R456.5m hospital building contract terminated...
19 Feb 2010
Media erred in that the said application is still pending...
12 Feb 2010
Mahlakeng Mahlakeng on a war path...
20 Jan 2010
MEC reads Moses Kotane hospital contractor a riot act...
08 Jan 2010
North West Department terminates a R137.5m tender...
17 Dec 2009
A multi-million-rand roads scandal exposed ...
09 Dec 2009
PriceWaterhouseCoopers hands over forensic report ...
28 Nov 2009
MEC Mahlakeng gladly receives Premier's announcement...
12 Nov 2009
Mr Eddie Thebe is under investigation...
07 Sept 2009
MEC rebukes IAAF on Semenya at Women's Indaba...
24 Aug 2009
All funded key vacant posts to be filled...
19 Aug 2009
Give back our Public Works mandate, NW MEC says….
25 June 2009
Seven road deaths within hours in the Lichtenburg area...
01 June 2009
At least five slightly injured following electrical explosion...
28 May 2009
MEC expresses shock following Masia's death...
26 May 2009
Ready for occupation at by end of June...
30 April 2009
Time to say goodbye before the curtain falls....
19 Mar 2009
Horror crash that prompted MEC condolence visit...
05 Aug 2009
Stern warning to non-performing emerging contractors...
23 July 2009
Our MEC sees four(4) trapped bodies in horror smash....
27 June 2009
Scams prey and con unsuspecting victims ...
15 Mar 2009
Thibedi turns sod for a R26m one-stop government centre.
13 Mar 2009
We’re poised to empower more than 100 contractors...
06 Mar 2009
Newly appointed contractors mop the spills and deliver…
04 Feb 2009
We've delivered (R26m) yet another Secure Care Centre...
03 Feb 2009
91 boiler operator recruits turn the heat at 11 hospitals...
13 Jan 2009
Thibedi turns sod for a R26m one-stop government centre.
13 Mar 2009
We’re poised to empower more than 100 contractors...
06 Mar 2009
Newly appointed contractors mop the spills and deliver…
04 Feb 2009
We've delivered (R26m) yet another Secure Care Centre...
03 Feb 2009
91 boiler operator recruits turn the heat at 11 hospitals...
13 Jan 2009
Horror truck accident claims three of our own...
11 Nov 2008
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