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"Stern Warning Issued To Construction Mafias in the Province"...
Friday, July 26, 2024

While we are determined to turn the province into a construction site, Honourable Members: We must also address the emerging challenge that impedes the implementation of our goals. This includes: The emerging trend in the country and our province of the Construction Mafia that is hell-bent on extortion, disruption and hijacking of construction sites and projects. They often come under the guise of community stakeholders, demanding the 30 percent stake of value of the project awarded to a contractor. This has result in some of projects we have awarded either being stopped, delayed or not being completed on time and within the allocated budget. Some of the projects had to be abandoned by contractors fearing for the lives. The department is working very closely with law enforcement to bring an end to the scourge of disruptions at construction...[Read more]
Premier Mokgosi officially opened the 7th Provincial Legislature...
Thursday, July 25, 2024

We do not take for granted the immense trust placed on us, and we pledge to work tirelessly to create a province where no citizen is left behind. The representation of different political organisations and ideologies in this Legislature offers us yet another opportunity to live to the ideals of our forebears who through the adoption of the Freedom Charter in Kliptown in 1955 proclaimed that: “We, the People of South Africa, declare for all our country and the world to know that South Africa belongs to all who live in it, black and white, and that no government can justly claim authority unless it is based on the will of all the people.” The make-up of this legislature is based on the will of the people who expect us to be above reproach, ethical, incorruptible, and accountable. Today we are honoured to be joined by Dr Masego “Easy” Matjila who was recently conferred with an Honorary Doctorate in Humanities by the North West University...[Read more]
Forget Tintswalo, we are weaver birds now, says President Ramaphosa...
Thursday, July 18, 2024

President Cyril Ramaphosa called on South Africans to behave like weaver birds by working together and said the establishment of the Government of National Unity (GNU) set the country on a path towards a “co-operation nation”. “We would like all of us as South Africans to behave like ‘weaver birds’. Weavers are among the most efficient and gregarious birds in that they build complex structures together and co-operate,” Ramaphosa said. “And this is the way we should go. Despite all the challenges, despite our differences, despite all the headwinds, as South Africans we are called upon to remain firmly committed to pursue the path of co-operation, growth and inclusion. “This scenario paints a picture where after disruptions and protests there is a coming together of political parties, the state, the private sector, labour, civil society, coming together to...[Read more]
MEC Mokua presents Caretakership Agreement to Disability Centre on Mandela Day...
Thursday, July 18, 2024

In the first of its kind for the department, North West MEC for Public Works and Roads, Sempe Elizabeth Mokua, today handed over the caretakership agreement to the Tsholetsa Disability Care Centre in Tlhabane, Rustenburg. The centre operates from one of the department’s under-utilised buildings that was previously Iteko Special School. The caretaker agreement means that the department will still own the building while the non-profit organisation that runs the centre will be renting it at no cost. This arrangement will run for 36 months with an option for renewal. The centre, which has 76 beneficiaries, runs a number of skills development programmes that are aimed at empowering persons with disabilities. These include, among others, arts and crafts, aluminium manufacturing; brick-making; gardening as well as entrepreneurship and financial literacy courses. MEC Mokua commended the centre managers and founder, Richard Tlhogwe, for his bravery and vision. “As we commemorate the day dedicated to a true selfless leaders, Nelson Mandela...[Read more]
2024/25 DPWI Budget Vote Speech delivered by Minister Macpherson ...
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

I want to ask each of you to join me and us in this incredible journey as we work to turn South Africa into a construction site. We must become obsessed with infrastructure led economic growth that will ignite job creation throughout South Africa. We present this Budget Vote a few days before we commemorate Mandela Day, a day in which all of us are called to make a difference in the lives of our communities. As we embark on this crucial journey of the GNU to grow our country together and improve the lives of the most vulnerable, we are inspired by his message where the former President said: "May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears." On Thursday, I will be leading our team to celebrate Mandela Day by lending our time and effort to a project in Langa and invite all of you to join us. As the Minister responsible for the department, I want to bring a new hope to our country that will see: DPWI playing a leading role in growing an inclusive South African economy through infrastructure led growth....[Read more]
President Ramaphosa unveils new GNU cabinet...
Sunday, June 30, 2024

Just over a month ago, on the 29th of May, the people of South Africa voted in a watershed election. In casting their votes, the people made it clear that they expect political parties to work together to deliver on a mandate of transformation, growth and renewal. To give effect to this mandate, it was agreed that a Government of National Unity, which brings together parties from across the political spectrum, should be formed. This Government of National Unity would be bound by certain fundamental principles and would undertake a basic minimum programme of priorities. Following discussions over the course of the last few weeks, a total of eleven parties have elected to work together in government and in Parliament. These are the African National Congress, Democratic Alliance, Patriotic Alliance, Inkatha Freedom Party, Good Party, Pan Africanist Congress of Azania, Freedom Front Plus, United Democratic Movement, Al Jama-ah, Rise Mzansi and the United Africans Transformation....[Read more]
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